nedjelja, 15. svibnja 2016.

Facebook interesting facts!!

10 Facebook interesting facts
1. Al Pacino was the first “face” on Facebook. A very early iteration of the site displayed a header image featuring a man’s face obscured behind binary code. The identity of the man could not be seen clearly, but it later came to light that the face was that of acclaimed actor Al Pacino.

2. Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, was the first major investor to back Facebook. Thiel, a luminary in the startup and venture capital worlds, saw the site’s potential and invested $500,000 into the young company in 2004. Thiel later sold his stake in the company for more than $1 billion.

3. Sean Parker, co-founder of now-defunct music sharing site Napster, originally acquired the domain name for $200,000. Parker was the driving force in the renaming of the site, and was highly influential as the site exploded in popularity.

4. A peer-to-peer file-sharing system called Wirehog was once a core function of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg introduced the P2P file-sharing system when reached approximately 500,000 users, and once believed it would become a central component of the site. Wirehog was retired over fears of potential legal repercussions of copyright infringement in 2006.

5. Mark Zuckerberg suffers from red-green colorblindness. This is why Facebook’s primary color scheme is blue – although it certainly doesn’t hurt that blue is also strongly associated with trust and security, two concepts essential in getting people to voluntarily part with their personal information. 

6. Facebook’s ‘Like’ button used to be the ‘Awesome’ button. Facebook engineer Andrew Bosworth said that he and other engineers were enthusiastic about the “Awesome” button, but that the idea was ultimately vetoed by Zuckerberg in 2007. The site eventually settled on the “Like” button, a decision that Bosworth said was met with a decidedly lukewarm reception.

7. Facebook stores approximately 300 PETABYTES of user data on its servers. There are 1 million gigabytes in a petabyte. The entire written works of humankind, in every known language (including Latin and other historical languages) from the dawn of recorded history, would occupy approximately 50 petabytes. Think about that for a minute. 
8. In 2014, the alleged global economic impact of Facebook was approximately $227 billion. However, this statistic (and the methodology behind it) has been called in question by several leading economists. Whether you buy Facebook’s data or not, there’s no doubt that Facebook has had a serious impact on economies around the world. 
9. Facebook’s user base grows by eight people per second, or 7,246 people every 15 minutes.Some naysayers have foretold of Facebook’s impending demise, but aside from boasting the largest user base of any social network in the world by a gigantic margin, this statistic proves Facebook is still growing. 
10. In 2015, Facebook boasted 22% of WORLDWIDE mobile Internet advertising revenue. That means almost one-quarter of all advertising revenue generated from mobile Internet ads in a single year went to Facebook. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networks Information Technology

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networks Information Technology

Advantages of social networks

Education Field
In the survey conducted by Pew Internet Project’s research, it showed that 67% of online adults use social networks. This data describes the fact that social networks can be used to improve the education of adults and students since they already have certain influence on the learners.
The main advantage is that students can further explore topics that they are interested in by using online social networking since they may have limited resources and time in school. Apart from that, for adults with unique interests, it is not easy to find friends with same interest to chat or discuss with. However, social networks link these people with the ones with same passion, where they can interact with people from different parts of the world.
On the other hand, teachers can take the advantage of students’ social networking abilities to create discussion forums, class blogs and online teaching. Such collaboration between students and teachers, acting social networks as a medium, can help the students gain opportunities to cover knowledge in a wider area and pursue interest.
Schools also use social networks as an intermediate to keep in touch with students. Certain networks such as Facebook, Moodle, Secondlife, Digg and other networks are often used by teachers to connect with students and to hold out-of-classroom discussions.
So, it is quite obvious that several advantages are observed for the impact of social networks on the education field.
Business Field
Social networking takes place online where people meet and share ideas, recommendations and experiences. So, it is similar to a non-stopping communication with a broad audience through a variety of platform or sites. This is one of the factor that the organizations are interested in social media since they can get different kinds of suggestions and feedbacks from people.
Many companies use social networks such as Twitter and Facebook to connect with customers and prospective clients. This leads to a golden opportunity for job seekers to learn more about the organization and easily connect with people who work there. Job seekers can become acquainted with the ones working, through these social media, and once they achieve strong presence on these networks, it becomes feasible to reach the people with the authority to hire an employee.

Disadvantages of social networks

Highlighting the benefits of social networks, it doesn’t necessarily means that there are no drawbacks in them. Recently, online crime which is also known as Cybercrime, proposes an increasing threat to all the internet users. This includes online sexual exploitation and cyber bullying. One of the main problems to eradicate cybercrime is that it is hard to identify the offender and it is almost impossible to keep full-time surveillance in such a wide network.
Online sexual exploitation
One of the most aggressive forms of cybercrime is the online sexual exploitation. This includes sharing pornography, persuading for sex and sex chat. There are over 665000 registered convicted sex offenders in the United States of America, according to a study commissioned by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. This means that one in every seven kids has been approached by a sexual predator online. That is 13% of children who use the internet.
Moreover, the Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM) mentioned that the average sex offender offends for 16 years before he is finally caught. In that life span, he has committed and average of 318 offenses and violated 110 victims. Regarding these data, it can be clearly seen that online sexual exploitation has been destroying the lives of children who use social networks. (Hoffman,2012)
Cyber bullyingCyber
bullying is different from face to face bullying as the bullies cannot be identified easily and they have sense of security that convinces them they won’t get caught. Not knowing the harm that they caused to victim, the bullies do not feel any guilt or empathy.
Cyber bullying is also a form of cybercrime which include different branches. The most common type is called harassment, where the abusive and insulting messages are repeatedly sent to the victim. Other kinds of cyber bullying such as flaming, denigration, impersonation, outing, trickery, and exclusion are also found in the world of social networks. The most crucial way is called cyberstalking which fuel up harassment with significant threats and creates fear.
Please refer to Appendix 4 (p- ) for different forms of cyber bullying.
Addiction to social networks
Social networks, being used as a form of assistant in the field of education, also show negative impacts on students. One of these impacts is addiction to the networks. A survey done by the University of Maryland’s International Center for Media & the Public Affairs (ICMPA) showed that people under the age of 25 have more chance to addict social networks and two-third of the students who use social media have already shown some addiction. Fifty percent of people between the age of 25 and 35, admitted that they are so attached to social networks that they even use them during office hours. Besides, children can also become attached to social media, if there is no parental guidance.

Facebook as most powerful social media site today

Facebook as most powerful social media
site today

PROS / Facebook's ease of use makes it easy to check for updates and notifications.
CONS / You cannot change the profile color or add custom skins.

With the inception of social networking sites in the early 2000s, there were several start-up companies looking to maximize their membership and excel in niche areas. In the first few years that Facebook entered the scene, it was meant to be the best way for college students to socialize and connect. It didn't take long for this service to expand and become inclusive of people of all ages, from 13 on up. For several years now, Facebook has maintained its title of the best social networking website.

Facebook's service is constantly updating. This social network site has seen the mistakes of former top social networking sites like Myspace. To stay on top, Facebook has realized that it must add features and change the site layout to stay ahead of the curve and keep from becoming stagnant. This social network has framed the way that most other social networks work. Its wide variety of picture, video, advertising and security features will keep this social media service at the top for the time being. 

One of many aspects that Facebook has perfected is dealing with usability. This social network is centered on keeping people logged in to their accounts. Even when you visit other sites, Facebook wants to be just one click away. In fact, you can't visit many sites without seeing the social media buttons that allow you to share the content on Facebook. When you log in to this social media site, the first thing you see will be a news feed that keeps you updated on the lives of your friends. The Facebook toolbar will notify you immediately if you have a new friend request, an unread message in your inbox or if someone commented on or liked your status or posts.
Facebook is an entirely free service. There are no AdSense ads clogging up the page. You will see a column of ads tailored to your tastes using internet cookies. The ads are small, and you learn to see past them. Where Facebook thrives in terms of advertisements is through the growth of small businesses owned by Facebook members. You can create a page for your business, band or event and gain publicity by asking for likes and keeping people consistently informed about your business. You can also gain attention and reach for new likes by creating your own Facebook advertisement.
The mobile app for this social network is very impressive and can even provide for a better experience if you only care to see what is highlighted by the news feed. It cuts out the majority of ads, suggestions and friends that are current online and open to chat. These options are still available from your smartphone or tablet, but they are hidden unless you swipe the screen, either right or left.
We are impressed by how much information you can upload to your Facebook account. You can post YouTube videos and watch them directly from your news feed without even following the link and opening a new window. Also, beyond uploading photo albums, you can upload personal videos, just in case you have relatives who may have missed out on special memories, like a child's first steps or footage of your friends they may have forgotten about after a night of partying. We find that Facebook really does allow you to keep in touch with friends in many different ways, even if much of it is over sharing.

What you know about "Flickr"?


Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. 

Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone. 

Additionally, Flickr operates a private speakeasy in downtown San Francisco, where notable internet celebrities often function as guest bartenders. 

The current CEO of Flickr is Daniel "Waferbaby" Bogan, who won the position by defeating all other contenders in a breakdancing competition.

What do you think about ''Flickr'' engagement on social media site like Facebook?

Will Facebook be useful for ''Flickr''?

What may be benefits from this connection?

Questions for midterm!


1. Identify two ways that social media marketing differs from traditional marketing.
 Several aspects distinguish social media marketing from so-called traditional marketing:
The first is control vs. contributions.
Traditional marketing seeks to control the content seen by the audience. Old school marketers attempt to dominate the territory and try to exclude their competitors' messages. 
Social media marketers "are more likely to host an online 'discussion' in which they welcome comparison to their competitors' products and group information sharing.
The second is trust building
Companies must develop trusting relationships with their audience.
Unlike traditional advertisements in which consumers expect some exaggeration or spin to be applied to the product's image, on social media it is important to be earnest and down-to-earth.

2. Why do marketers often have difficulty with social media marketing?
The process of setting goals and determining strategies is crucial for success in the field of social media marketing.

What is the primary reason why social media marketing efforts fail?
One of the major reasons social media marketing efforts fail is poor planning.

4. Why is it important for a company to identify social mediamarketing goals?
Before moving forward with social media marketing activities, an organization should first determine what it wants to accomplish and then how best to do it. Withoutgoals, it will be unclear in which direction to go or how to ultimately measure success.

5. What is target audience?
Target audience is a group of consumers a company has decided to organize its marketing strategies to reach with their message.

6. Why are the rules of engagement important for social media marketers?
Being aware of the rules of engagement will help a new marketer avoid common mistakes entering the field of social media.

7. What is a blog?
Blog  is a type of website or part of a website. 
Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

8. What are the six characteristics that typify a blog?
1. Publishable-cheap and easy for anyone to set blog
2. Findable- people can find blog with search engines
3. Social- conversations about mutual interest can occur on blog
4. Viral- spread informations fast
5. Syndicatable- viewers can easily subscribe and be visible
6. Linkable- asses to huge audience

9. What elements should determine the amount of resources dedicated towards monitoring blogs?
How many resources  should dedicate toward monitoring blog will dependon  industry, your marketing budget, and the size of your existing blog following as well as how widely dispersed online opinion is on the relevant topics.

10.  What is podcasting?
Podcast is a digital audio or video file that is episodic, downloadable, and programdriven,
mainly with a host or theme,  and is convenient  usually via an automated feed with computer software.

Nike+ Running

Nike+ Running
The Nike+ Running app tracks your run whether you are pounding the pavement, going the distance on your favorite trail, or sprinting towards a personal record on the treadmill. View detailed breakdowns of each of your runs in the app and on Enable live audio cheers when you broadcast that you're starting a run to your friends on Facebook and show off your route with our new map sharing experience.

Adding Nike+ to your Facebook Timeline will enable you to view all of your running activity right on your own profile so you can see how far and fast you ran each month. Quickly register a new user account with Facebook Connect to plug into the largest digital running community in the world. With new features being added very soon, there's never been a better time to run with Nike+.

British Petrol "BP"

British Petrol ( " BP " )
There’s something hiding under your bonnet that shouldn’t be there. It can be invisible to the naked eye, but maybe you’ve noticed some of the clues: sluggish engine, higher repair bills and fewer miles. Meet your engine’s hidden enemy: dirt. #OurFuelStory


 The world has an ever-increasing demand for energy, and BP discovers, develops and delivers oil and gas across the globe. They are capturing existing sources while enhancing the potential of renewable and alternative energy. How? By making the most of our world-class assets and investing in new technologies. Above all, though, by recruiting, developing and rewarding talented people. People like you.

With past examples of large company giants we saw their interest in using social media site like facebook to promote all their best. This is also with no exemption and British Petrol tactic. They invest a large amounts of their money for advertising and Facebook represent one way of doing that. this is a link of BP facebook page where you can find many materials and articles familiar with their job. But amon many posts, while I reading about BP on facebook, I was enjoying those grate pictures from their plants all over the world and I decide to share some of those famous pictures with you. 

I believe that you will be interested, so please leave a comment. :DD

Are you familiar with "Hubspot"? What is it? What is it purpose? ???????
HubSpot is the world’s leading inbound marketing and sales platform.

 Since 2006, HubSpot has been on a mission to make the world more inbound. Today, 15,000+ customers in more than 90 countries use HubSpot’s software, services, and support to transform the way they attract, engage, and delight customers.

HubSpot is headquartered in Cambridge, MA with offices in Dublin, Ireland, and Sydney, Australia, and has been recognized by Inc., Forbes, and Deloitte as one of the world’s fastest-growing companies.

HubSpot's software has helped companies worldwide change how they market and sell, while our innovative approach to company culture has helped redefine transparency and autonomy in the modern workplace. 

To learn more about HubSpot's software, visit

Also all information and connections you are able to find on 

If you have any questions about HubSpot please ask, I will likely answer you.

Colgate company #EveryDropCount camapign

#EveryDropCount campaign

This is camaign which started few months ago and makes a huge interest among many people.

Among many others Colgate company also decide to use Facebook as one of the sites where they will promote this campaign and they found a greate comments and greate interest in this campaign among many facebook members.

1.3 million people saw their video which was posted on their official facebook page and 6.8 million people like this campaign.

Many people, about 3000 share this post to inform others about Colgate successful engagement in concern about environment and society. This proves that facebook is one of the gratest sites on which companys can promote themsevles.

Campaign is intoroduced as #EveryDropCount campaign and the base purpose of this campaign is to encourage consumers to save water by turning off the faucete while brushing their teeth. 
In video that follow you can saw advertisement for this campaign, and please feel free to comment and write your opinions what you think about campaign. :D


LEGO company is another user of Facebook!!

Lego company and connection with facebook

Lego A/S, doing business as The Lego Group, is a family-owned company based in Billund, Denmark. It is best-known for the manufacture of Lego-brand toys, consisting mostly of interlocking plastic bricks.

The Lego Group began manufacturing the interlocking toy bricks in 1949. Since then a global Lego subculture has developed. Supporting movies, games, competitions, and six Legoland amusement parks have been developed under the brand. As of July 2015, 600 billion Lego parts had been produced.

 LEGO company using facebook as their social media site for years.
Today they have about 12 000 000 likers and followers and that number is larger from day to day.

What you think, is this good decision and how the connection with one social media site can affect company image?

Coca Cola and Facebook


Hello everyone, in last post I have introduce myself and brief informations about my work. Today we will talk and if you will be interested we will discuss about some connections about CocaCola and its connection with facebook.

As we already know Coca Cola is the one of the largest producers of bevarages in the world. They are in this job since 1886 when it was first time introduced. It is well known that Coca Cola company has a strongest advertising tactics.

Beside many successful advertisement campains and promotion, following new trends Coca Cola company is also engaged in use of digital media and social sites to promote their new products and new successful campains which they introduce all over the world.

At that point there is coming facebook, and yes they are involved in using this social media site as way of promotion and communication with its customers.

Coca Cola can be proud of their engagement in this social network site because they has about 1, 030 000 people who like this and follow Coca Cola posts .

Know I'm interested in your opinion. What you think about this way of promotion, is this appropriate for company giant like Coca Cola? 

Some brief informations about me and purpose of my work :)

Hello everyone my name is Saffet Eco. I'm a student of management first year. I'm studing managament at International Burch University in Sarajevo.
Digital media, today, is everywhere around us. We can find it on all aspects of our daily lives, on tvs, by using social media platforms etc. One purpose of my work on this blog will be to inform all of you that are not familiar with the meaning of digital media, with some basic concepts of this field.
But the main purpose of my work will be to make an connection with one of the social media platforms that is used by almost everyone today, and yes that is the FACEBOOK. It is known that digital media create one new way of promotion that is in use by many large companies today and this can be recognized on Facebook also. I will try to inform you about large company campains and promotions on Facebook, and I hope that I will be succesfull. I will try also to inform you about every changes and usage of Facebook as social media site through my work.

If you have any question, please feel free to ask me.
My mail address is

Until next post I whish you all the best :D